With the recent appearance of Charice during the 6th Annual NAPA Valley Festival Del Sole 2011, Chasters all around the world have finally quenched their thirst after waiting for updates, news and videos.
I have seen the videos uploaded by Chasters who were there and I must say, Charice shined like never before. Tthe quality of the videos are not at its best but IT’S THE BEST THAT WE CHASTERS HAVE. KUDOS to those Chasters who have allowed us to feel how it is to be in her presence. I just feel a bit sad reading some comments in youtube about her performance. There seems to be no ending on these CRABS and their MENTALITY. Nonetheless, I have contained my frustrations and sadness in a bottle and throw it away.
The fashion style of Charice is what I fancy. Its simple and its her loved color. She definitely commands her fashion style and how she wants us to see her in her next appearances. SHEEK AND GLAM, SIMPLE AND ICONIC.
For now, CHASTERS just have to wait for what can, would, should, shall HAPPEN NEXT. But what I am so excited about is the debut of her 3rd Music VIDEO for ONE DAY, which is surely out before the month ends (hopeful).
BTW, I missed blogging for the past weeks as I have been engaged in another job which demanded much of my time. I have constantly lurked in CHARICEMANIA but failed to log on to UNO’s chatbox as I have limited time online.
I’ll be posting below some vids of CHARICE’s Performances in NAPA. Credit goes to the uploaders.
How could you make an objective review when you're not even there?